Sunday, 15 January 2017

We are now on Instagram

Cinderella Clock made for a display

I am always late for everything in life preferring to hold back and wait and see before testing the waters myself.

Some years ago when the husband and I were buying a property we registered with an  estate agent who simply could not believe that we did not possess a mobile phone between us. She thought we were lying to her.

Since those days which do seem rather a long time ago now we have been dragged (sometimes screaming) into the modern age by younger friends and family members who despair of our dusty hermit like habits. Time moves on and though Blogger was once a favourite place for us all to meet many have found a new café in Instagram which is quicker to use, and you can take it with you! I resisted for ages, but in the end was completely won over by the vast amount of absolutely beautiful images that people share.

Vienna cafe
 I can take an around the world trip in just a few minutes while having a cup of tea and then return to the real world instead of spending hours over posting a piece on Blogger.

Am I leaving Blogger? No, but I cannot pretend that I have as much time as I would like to post and to visit fellow bloggers who I so admire, and so, if you want to follow me more closely I would be honoured if any of you pop over to Instagram and become friends there. Link at the bottom of the post, and in the sidebar. You can still enjoy the galleries on instagram without posting.

While I have been away from Blogger I've not been idle. We have now been at the wonderful old building, The Emporium in Hungerford, for seven years! The shop is doing well and keeping me very busy buying, renovating, inventing and selling. And our poor old rickety cottage continues to vex us trying to keep it upright.

The Emporium in Hungerford, Berkshire
 I've travelled a bit

From a painting at Watts Gallery
renewing my love of the magical places in This Sceptred Isle which first caught my imagination,

Tinsmiths, Ledbury, their magical alley
Step back in time
18 Folgate Street, Spitalfields, London

Thatched cottages in local villages

and fallen in love with another European city, Oh Vienna. I shall return.

Baroque Heaven, look up in Vienna

Art Nouveau everywhere too
The exquisite Secession House
More amazing roof, St Stephens Cathedral

 It was lovely to travel, and so good to come home. 

The tall dark and handsome man I'd given my heart to awhile back has done amazing things and become a superstar. In my time I have been bewitched by many special thoroughbreds and could not have hoped that another creature so enchanting would gallop into my life ~ and yet, there he is.Thistlecrack.

Thistlecrack trained in Somerset by Colin Tizzard,
and ridden byTom Scudamore,
out on their own

I've read a LOT of wonderful books. I hope to post a few soon so that if you have not read them and find them interesting you can look out for them too.

Puff has her own ideas about what we read!
The Last Days of Leda Grey by Essie Fox
fascinating look at the world of silent films
Wonderful Edna! 

Sadly we had to say farewell to our beloved lodger, little raggedy man Munchkin whose bravery in his illness touched all who knew him.

Our Lionheart
Munchkin LeStrange
We had a wonderful Christmas in Devon with the family together for a change, and hope that you enjoyed the holiday season whatever that you believe, and where ever that you may be in the world.

These times are very trying for so many people. Yet with January here and Spring not far behind I do feel positive for the first time in a long while. We can endure.

Find us on instagram Here: discardedtreasures


  1. Mr Munchkin was quite a handsome fella. I've always felt that when my time came and I went on to another plane, if my furbabes weren't there, I wasn't welcome! I'd love to think we will all get together, play and love on each other. I don't have a smart phone and may have to take the plunge just for Instagram. Getting a blog post together is getting more difficult with each passing year -- or perhaps I'm just older and perhaps wiser! Happy New Year! Good to "see" you! Purrs to Puff!

    1. Snap! So good to hear from you. I am with you, hoping all our animal friends are waiting for us having just gone on ahead. Happy New Year to you + yours too. x

  2. You've been very busy! I love Vienna - such a beautiful city. So many places I'd love to go back and see again, but I need to constantly remind myself how fortunate we've been to see as many as we have. But I'm never satisfied when it comes to travel ... should have married for money. lol

    I'm glad to have found you on Insta - or glad you found me, rather! Looks like I have two new books to add to my Amazon wish list. Essie Fox - she wrote some Victorian era novels, didn't she? The name seems very familiar. And I'm so sorry to hear about Munchkin. <3

  3. Dearest LeeAnn,
    Well, all of us encounter the very same lack of hours in a day for tending to ALL social media.
    I'm so sorry for your sweet Munchkin's passing. So sad for losing our fur babies!
    On Instagram I'm not at all active, can't keep it all up. Since September I've been focusing on my eCommerce and am selling rather well. That takes a lot of my time for the write up and photographing aside from normal life and socializing. I've also joined a choir in August and we have to perform, me being a 1st soprano...
    Sending you hugs and blessings,

  4. Edna O'Brien is/was an excellent author. We visited Vienna Jan. 1986, during a Siberian blizzard. We visited incredible cathedrals, museums, and had a wonderful time. It is a fabulous city, country.

  5. I'm glad you're not abandoning Blogging... I have resisted Instagram and like you have often had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century by my Adult Grandchildren mostly. Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. You've been very busy! I love Vienna - such a beautiful city. So many places I'd love to go back and see again, but I need to constantly remind myself how fortunate we've been to see as many as we have.

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  7. I'm sorry you've left blogger, just don't get on with Instagram as there is actually too MUCH on it- but I hope you're doing well there!

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