
Friday, 24 August 2012

WORDSMITH ~ Wisdom and happiness on your walls

This magic and most evocative wall was drawn by Helen of
Busy Bee Studios.

I often come across images I like on the internet when looking for something else. And save them in a hurry without reference to their origins. I always regret this later when I need to know more about them. I find images are great inspiration for projects and I have a massive collection of them from magazines, books and online.

My apologies to whoever this image belongs to as I am unable to credit them. If anyone knows please tell me and I will update this post. (NOTE! Helen from Busy Bee Studios did get in touch and this wall was created by her. You can see more of her work on her own website, link above, at Busy Bee Studios).

I really like this as an idea for a feature wall. I'm not sure if this is actual wallpaper, it looks like a mural. It would be easy to make your own and use quotes which were relevant to your life.

I especially like the flag bunting and the clock, but you could customise this design to include any symbols dear to you. I'd add a bit of colour if it were my mural. And I'd have to have a white rabbit running away in a corner!

I'm not an artist but if you can sketch a bit you could include members of your family and your pets! Mrs Black is nagging me now to make one that stars her. She likes this vintage postcard and it would not be that hard to put it on a wall as a sketch.

I also love this quote, which is apparantly from Harry Potter, and it is a decal you buy on Amazon. Even easier than trying to draw and paint!

Happiness Harry Potter decal

Lastly I love this retro mural, in the right room this would certainly brighten your life. This is such a simple shape which would be easy and fun to make. I don't know where this one is from either. Sorry!


  1. Fun post. Wisdom and happiness -- two things to strive for!

  2. This has me thinking - where? Perhaps on a stairway, or in a powder room - a back hall or any place in which people tarry a little.

    1. It could be real fun couldn't it? I'd like some family sayings somewhere, youo know, those things that make you laugh. x

  3. Merci de visiter mon blog et de rester votre doux commentere!!! :O)

    Quelle merveilleux message!!! :O) J`adore!!!:)
    Bonne journee!!
    xxx Maria xxx

  4. Love the last mural for its quirkiness but I favour the top one which can be adapted. Thanks for showing!

  5. I've just stumbled across your blog ~ color me enthralled! I LOVE the wall, a perfect way to display your favorite quotes - (if only I had bigger walls)and lots of beautiful photos of charming England too! Delightful. :))))

    1. Thank you Melody, just popped over to see you too! x

  6. Hello,
    I'm with Mrs black on this one,as I would happily display the cheeky puss in the vintage picture on my wall!!
    I didn't know the Harry Potter quote, but thought it was very apt indeed...
    Have a fun filled weekend...
    LoVe Maria x

  7. Such a cute idea! One could use a wall in the cloakroom - funny. Or in the bath - while soaking in the tub one could read the pearls of wisdom. So they can soak in too :-)

    1. What a great idea Brigitta! In the bath would be splendid. x

  8. Love the idea of a blank space filled with words and images personal to you.

    Take care

  9. I love that wall of quotes. If my studio had a blank wall I would do that in a flat minute. Very cool idea, thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day, Connie :)

  10. Great blog! Good to meet you yesterday. Lizzie

  11. Amazing retro mural, even the furniture looks sixties. I rather like it!
    I have finally written about the blog award - sorry it took so long.

  12. What Cheerful Murals and Sayings!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  13. OOh i especially love the first image, what a gorgeous idea. Hmm now where could I do something like that, I can feel a wee bit of decorating coming on. Quotes & sayings are so inspirational aren't they, i keep a journal ( my happy place) & write my faves in there too.

    1. Ruthie, You could realy make a lovley wall with your artistic talent! I like the idea of a journal as A Happy Place too. x

  14. These are some lovely ideas!
    I also collect quotes I find inspiring, and I do like the one from Harry potter.
    I love the retro mural, it does seem abit 70's or even 60's maybe. I was just given a lovely mousepad with an illustration by an artist - Charley Harper, and the art in this mural reminds me of his art. You might enjoy checking this artist out.
    My black cat Arthur says, he thinks the saucy black cat would be a nice picture just above his cat dish. :)
    This was a fun, and thought provoking post!

    1. Brenda, Many thanks, have had a look at the art of Charley Harper - a great find! Hugs to Arthur. x

  15. Thank you for your comments... did I tell you about the event in Hartley Wintney that we are organising? I may have done.. but Saturday was a bit tiring (to say the least!!) Lizzie

    1. Lizzie, You did tell me and we hope to be there with more cash, saw so many items we wanted to take home with us! You rest and refresh now before the next big event! x

  16. Hello,
    My name is Helen and I am the artist who painted the wall of quotes!! Small world isn't it?
    Love Helen xx

    1. Helen, Thank you so much for finding this and giving us this information. I have updated the post to reflect the work is by you, and to add a link to your own website. I love your work and where you live! Minerva x
